UK chemical plant adopts the system of security without contact - News without contact

Posted : Tuesday 22 March 2011

Brunner Mond has announced that it will deploy workforce management computer system Crown, the Options open, through its two UK chemical plants.The system will replace the existing process on paper with clocks electronic and ID badges without contact for control, time and attendance tracking and activity access of some 500 employees, 300 contractors and visitors.

Staff will use the badges of clock and output, relay their data time and attendance directly in payroll of the business systems, enabling automated payment.

Employees can access the system through the browser and the application of MyOptions Web authorization, check their remaining vacation allowance or view payment transactions. Line managers can use MyOptions to manage shift swaps, register absences and authorize leave or Time Off in place.

According to the calculation of the Crown, the new system will also allow Brunner Mond improve response times to emergencies with the location used tracking data. The incident response team may also verify without delay or any personnel were assembled in their respective muster points.[end] 

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